Belt Colony™
Belt Colony is a space mining and outpost building sim in the asteroid belt.
Utopia Colony™
Utopia Colony is a space mining and outpost building sim on Mars.
Alien AI™
Alien AI is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi game, where
an Alien AI has taken over the Earth.
Belt Miners™
Belt Miners is an asteroid mining simulation
game for Daydream™ and Gear VR™.
Immersive sci-fi spaceship pilot training and
space travel in the Asteroid Belt.
Atomic Order™
Atomic Order is casual simulation game where the player can tap the display to propel a ball towards a cluster of balls.
Shattered Path™
Is about a glass ball that can easily be broken.
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We are exploring new high-end game concepts for existing and emerging platforms.


We currently target PC, Android and iOS.


We focus on skill and experience to bring you new and unique game play experiences.


Copyright (C) GridSky Software AS 2025. All Rights Reserved. GridSky, Belt Colony, Utopia Colony, Alien AI, Belt Miners, Cryaxion, Atomic Order, Shattered Path, and RemoteGamePlay are trademarks of GridSky Software AS. Mail to: Paul Skolemesters veg 10C, N-7081 Sjetnemarka, Norway. Software terms Privacy statement Belt Colony presskit Utopia Colony presskit Belt Miners presskit Cryaxion presskit Atomic Order presskit